Person holding a bottle of soy.

If you run a food business, you are probably used to rapid changes in regulations, new technologies and trends. It is for you that we have created Business Development Support for Food Businesses - to make your life easier and your business stronger, both today and tomorrow.

Tailored interventions give you a clearer picture of where your business is, what its potential is and where it can go. This will also make it easier to set goals, make strategic decisions and dare to set priorities that develop your business and take it to the next level.


Business Development Support: Up to 8 months.

For whom: Small and medium-sized food companies in Dalarna with a willingness to develop.

Content: Support in business development and innovation

Cost: Initial meetings are free of charge, then SEK 500-2 000 per month.

Application: Ongoing

Support all the way

We always start with your situation and tailor our support measures to your needs. With us, you will meet experienced business coaches and have access to experts in different fields. You are responsible for driving the development of your business, but we are there to support you throughout the process.

From the content

When you meet with our food team, we will review your current situation and identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. What are your challenges, and what ideas do you want to take forward? You will receive concrete support that will strengthen your business in the short and long term. Every business development journey is unique, but we know that there are certain areas that unite food businesses. We therefore have a particular focus on idea and concept development, strategies to reach a larger market, communicating sustainability, innovation management, product development, food legislation and financing.  

"We support you as an entrepreneur to maximize your knowledge and commitment. Together we can reach larger markets and realize innovative ideas."
David Levrén, business coach at Dalarna Science Park

The team you meet

You will be challenged and supported by skilled coaches with extensive experience in the food industry, leadership, business development, circularity and sustainability. You will also gain access to many new contacts and networks, both nationally and internationally.

Contact us and we will help you further