

Dalarna Science Park is proud to be a partner in the Its4Women project. The aim is to improve the position of women in modern society by making them more aware of the importance of digital skills.

At the EU level, the number of women with digital skills and those in the ICT sector is much lower than men’s. The project Its4Women will work to increase the digital interest in women and aim for a career in ICT. One of the outputs will be a gateway showcasing programmes, workshops, events and much more. The platform gathers relevant initiatives to motivate women to work on their digital skills and get them interested in the IT world. Its4Women will also establish a stakeholder group with knowledgeable people from regional and national businesses and organisations in the ITC world, with the mission to make it more interesting for women to go for a digital career.

The project platform is already up and running. Its4Women will fill it with relevant information and material to make the ICT world more attractive to women and inspire them to improve their digital skills.

Welcome to Its4Women

ITs4Women is led by a well-balanced and complementary mix of organizations. The partnership comprises organizations experts in issues related to the project’s objectives, mainly: digital skills, training digital skills, interacting with underserved social groups and those who have advanced IT skills and experience in international cooperations.




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.